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    An Elementary Guide Towards Understanding Native App Development!

    You must have heard the word ‘native’ regarding people living in a place who belong to that land, like native English speakers. You must also know that there are languages other than what we humans speak, like animal language. But you must have also heard about computer language as a child. Well, that was just the foundation for more significant things like programming and coding that, in turn, resulted in the creation of applications, websites, and software. But what are the primary means for creating an app? Its answer is native app development. But the applications developed through this method are meant for only a specific type of platform, either Android or iOS.

    Perks Of Native App Development

    Following are a few benefits of native app development:

    1. Performance Factor: When an app gets developed using native mobile app development, it is naturally more responsive and quick. This is because the app is created and optimized for that specific platform. Besides, because the app’s content and graphic elements are already present on the user’s phone and are composed of the platform’s core programming language and APIs, it also loads quickly and is more efficient.
    2. Security: Various browsers and technologies, like JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS, are used to create web applications. But many professionals believe in creating a native mobile app that ensures your consumers’ data security is the best. This is because a native app operates across all OS layers guaranteeing cybersecurity and no data breaching.
    3. Interactiveness: Another advantage of native apps is that their flow is natural, and they follow strict criteria that help their improvisation. If apps stick to specific standards, users can interact with them through actions and gestures that are already familiar to them. They can also synchronize the user experience with the particular operating system used.
    4. Accessibility To Full Feature Set Of Devices: Native applications have immediate access to the device’s hardware, like the GPS, camera, and microphone, encouraging promptness. Besides, push notifications and access to every API and tool are other benefits of choosing native app development. All this technically proves that there are no restrictions on this new app’s usage. This is one of the reasons why most mobile application development companies also focus on this development of apps.
    5. Better Support & Compliance With App Store: Native mobile apps comply with app store requirements better due to their architecture. They also offer better performance and speed, making them easier to publish and rank higher in the app store. These apps are also a more secure and ready-for-future investment since it’s likely that app stores will keep taking action against other types of apps.
    6. Better Functionality & Access To New Features: Native app development helps developers build and integrate simpler APIs. It also allows them to create better general compatibility for specific UI and UX elements of the app native to the platform they are developing it for. Besides, such apps enable access to the newest iOS and/or android features without hindrance.

    Drawbacks Of Native App Development

    Like every coin has two sides, here are the drawbacks of native app development:

    1. Time-Consuming: Because native apps are developed for a specific platform, reusing the programming for launching them on another platform becomes difficult. In fact, it would require another team to create an alternate version and make it work.
    2. Costly: There are two aspects to be considered in this front of native apps. One is that developing them requires a lot of time which gives one less time to invest in its promotion and profits. Secondly, it needs two different teams to ready the app to launch it on iOS and android. This implies spending extra bucks on the two teams.
    3. Accessibility: In this case, one of the major disadvantages is the lack of accessibility and reduced ability for consumer reach. Often, even the best mobile app development companies fail to gather all the resources to create an app that would function on all the platforms simultaneously. As a result, disappointing consumers and the firm missed out on marketing prospects achievable only on the app’s access by every smartphone user.
    4. Necessity Of Frequent Updates: You must have gotten updates of some apps frequently, while not so frequently of others. The former ones might be native apps. The reason is that developers often introduce new versions of those apps for several reasons, and repairing bugs and malfunctions is the most common. This further results in app store updates provided the users aren’t aware of or overlook them.
    5. Download Requirement: It’s evident that everyone downloads apps from the Play Store or App Store, specifically after buying the smartphone. Unless those apps are available, one cannot download and use them. But native apps require a bit more of a person’s effort. From finding the app, going through and agreeing with the terms & conditions, and downloading them, a person also needs patience. Some native apps may require more time to download than others. Hence, patience is a must.

    Examples Of Native Apps

    The following are the major examples of native apps:

    • WhatsApp
    • LinkedIn
    • Spotify
    • Waze
    • Pokémon GO
    • Twitter
    • SoundCloud, etc.

    In A Nutshell!

    Native app development is indeed the core of the applications we all use today. Though they require more investment of time, resources, and effort, they are still preferred more because of the security and performance they provide. This is also the reason why most IT firms revolve around them. Primewayz is one such organization that specializes in this sector and focuses on web and mobile app development, among many of its services. It creates apps for both Android and iOS, depending on the requirements of its clients’. Thus, it is the most appropriate choice for any business looking for a developers’ team to create an application software or a website.

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